Saturday, September 15, 2007
Mother's Milk A Gift That Keeps On Giving
This article also referenced this Washington Post Article from last month:
HHS Toned Down Breast-Feeding Ads -
Friday, September 14, 2007
Bibliography- Growth Monitoring and Food Supplementation Presentation 9/11/07
Growth Monitoring and Food Supplementation Works Cited
Hendrata, Lukas, Rohde, Jon. Ten Pitfalls of Growth Monitoring and Promotion.
Indian Journal of Pediatrics (Suppl). 1988: 55 :S9-S15
Hossain, Dr. S M Moazzem. Feeding Programmes: SFP & TFP. Presented at Food, Nutrition and Livelihoods lecture at Columbia University, Spring 2007.
Hossain, Dr. S M Moazzem. Nutrition in Emergencies: Basic Concepts. Presented at Food, Nutrition and Livelihoods lecture at Columbia University, Spring 2007.
Hossain, Dr. S M Moazzem. Nutrition in Emergencies: Rapid Assessments. Presented at Food, Nutrition and Livelihoods lecture at Columbia University, Spring 2007.
Hossain, Dr. S M Moazzem. Nutrition in Emergencies: Nutrition Commodities and Equipment. Presented at Food, Nutrition and Livelihoods lecture at Columbia University, Spring 2007.
Hossain, Dr. S M Moazzem. Nutrition in Emergencies: Nutritional and Food Security Surveillance. Presented at Food, Nutrition and Livelihoods lecture at Columbia University, Spring 2007.
Hossain, Dr. S M Moazzem. Nutrition in Emergencies: Access to Adequate Food: Food Security and Food Aid. Presented at Food, Nutrition and Livelihoods lecture at Columbia University, Spring 2007.
Increasing Malnutrition in the Rural Areas Even As Relief Poured In. Retrieved
from Human Rights Watch, Famine in Sudan, 1998. Site visited September 6, 2007.
Jacoby, Hanan. Is There an Intrahousehold “Flypaper Effect”? Evidence from
School Feeding Program. Retrieved from International Food Policy Research Institute. Site visited on September 6, 2007.
Nielsen, Jens, Valentiner-Branth, Palle, Martins, Cesario, Malnourished children
and supplementary feeding during the war emergency in Guinea-Bissau. 1998- 1999. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2004:80; 1036-1042.
Policy on the Use of Non-Fat Dry Milk for Supplementary Feeding. Retrieved from USAID, Food for Peace. Site visited September 6, 2007.
Taylor-Ide, D, Taylor, Carl. Just and Lasting Change- When Communities Own Their Futures. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore: 2002.
Protecting and Promoting Good Nutrition in Crisis and Recovery: Resource
Guide. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, 2005. Retrieved from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Site Visited September 9, 2007.
Woods, David. Child Health Care: A learning programme for professionals. Electric Book Works. Cape Town: 2007.
Ethical Issues Of Scientific Research In Developing World Examined
ScienceDaily: Ethical Issues Of Scientific Research In Developing World Examined
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Less Children Dying Before Age 5, Unicef
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
First world results on a third world budget
First world results on a third world budget | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited: "...This snapshot of Havana shows a healthcare system that is extensive, accessible and, at times, ropey. What is unique is the blend of third world conditions with a progressive ethos and first world results [...]"
Nigeria: Unsafe Abortions - Another Silent Killer?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Chronic Poverty Report
Chronic Poverty Research Centre: "The Chronic Poverty Report 2004-05 is about people living in chronic poverty - people who remain poor for much or all of their lives, many of whom will pass on their poverty to their children and all too often die easily preventable deaths."
Understanding the Impact of a Microfinance-Based Intervention on Women's Empowerment and the Reduction of Intimate Partner Violence in South Africa
CARE Turns Down U.S. Food Aid
CARE Turns Down U.S. Food Aid - TIME: "A major international charity has decided to turn down millions of dollars worth of grain from the U.S. government to feed the world's hungry because it believes America's method of delivering vital food supplies does more harm than good [...]
"CARE has decided to phase out all such monetized food aid by 2009, turning its back on $46 million a year in U.S. federal funding. The charity said selling food to fund its programs is inefficient and often delivers life-sustaining grain not to the hungry but to those who can afford it. It says it made the decision to abandon the controversial source of funding in 2005, but chose to make the decision public in an article in the International Herald Tribute on Wednesday in order to make a stand as Congress debates an overhaul of its food aid program in a new farm bill this summer...."
Monday, September 10, 2007
CyperSeminar: Population Environment Research Network - CyberSeminars
Population Environment Research Network - CyberSeminars: "The purpose of this cyberseminar is to examine the linkages among population, development and environmental processes in rural agrarian communities of the Sudano-Sahelian zone in West Africa. Droughts in the early 1970s and 1980s prompted many to proclaim this region as a Malthusian crisis in the making. Twenty years later, have these gloomy prognoses been borne out, or have agricultural systems coped and adapted to growing population numbers? Or is the picture more complex? This seminar will address these questions (and others themes listed below) through a focus on the results of recent research sponsored by the Programme for International Research on the Interactions between Population, Development and Environment (PRIPODE) of the French Foreign Ministry and the Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography (CICRED)."
Growth Promotion: Effective Design Elements